Apr 23, 2010

Benefits of Houses In Tibia

Houses are private buildings that can be rented by players. They are mostly found in the cities , but rentable buildings can be found anywhere in Tibia .Houses come in three forms: there are normal houses that are designed as resting places for single characters or perhaps for small groups of friends, shops in which players can build up a prospering business and even guildhalls in which whole guilds can find shelter! Buildings offer a variety of advantages to characters:
Protection Houses work as protection zones , so any character that is standing in the safety of a house is safe from any attacker. However, as with all other protection zones characters that are standing in houses do no regenerate hit points or mana. Moreover, only invited characters can enter a house, so your belongings are also safe from stealing.
Improved Recuperation Most houses have one or more beds in which characters of premium players can sleep while being offline. Characters placed in a bed will restore one soul point for every 15 minutes they are sleeping. Moreover, also hit points and mana will be restored as long as the food they have eaten before going to bed lasts. However, please note that this process will take much longer than if the character actually would be online.
Improved Item Storage Characters can furnish their homes to their taste. Far from being simple decoration, containers such as chests or drawers can be used to store items . Also, unlike depot chests they do not have any item limit, so you can store infinite numbers of items in your house!
Prestige Let’s not beat around the bush: a nice house will also increase your character’s prestige with the community. After all, houses are in great demand, so if you have that nice 4-bed mansion with the cool garden, you can be sure many other players will envy you. What’s more, you can safely display your hard-earned treasures in your house without having to fear that anybody can steal your stuff. You will find that if you want to impress others, few things will work better than a nice house!
Thanks for your reading,hope that you can learn much more about and enjoy yourself in Tibia game!

Mar 27, 2010

Five Reason To Play Tibia Game

When you are choosing a fun online game,which reason do you want to consider ,free to play or others ,this time I would like to recommend some reasons to play tibia ,hope you can like to play tibia game!

Tibia is Free!

Unlike most other online games, Tibia is absolutely free! No hidden costs, no limited trial phase - once you have created an account you can go on playing forever if you like, and all you will ever need to pay for is your internet provider. Of course, players can choose to upgrade the game by buying premium time which will give them access to a number of premium features that make Tibia even more fun. However, buying premium time is strictly voluntary, and you will find that free account players are always just as welcome to Tibia as premium players.

  • Fast and Easy Access!

    Getting Tibia is easy! All you need is a computer, a connection to the internet and an email address! With a size of no more than 20 MB for Windows and 21 MB for Linux users, downloading the client program you need to connect to the game servers of Tibia takes a matter of minutes, even if your connection is slow. What's more, the system requirements are low, so you won't need the latest equipment to play. All in all it will take you no more than 5 minutes to get into the game. Give it a try today! You will be surprised how quickly you will find your own character exploring the exciting world of Tibia!
  • Huge Game World

    The land of Tibia is a huge realm filled with adventure and unknown dangers. Scores of dungeons and mysterious places are waiting to be explored, and legions of deadly creatures are lurking in the wilderness. You will meet with many challenges and take up tricky quests, but your efforts will be rewarded well, for there are hundreds of unique items you can find along the way. And there is more to come! The world of Tibia is continually expanding, so don't be surprised to run into something completely new just when you thought you had seen it all!
  • Character Customisation

    Make your heroes true individuals! Characters can be customised in many different ways: choose one of 4 exciting character vocations, each with its individual strengths and weaknesses. Select one of several different skins to individualise your characters' looks. Make your characters learn dozens of unique spells, equip them with the finest weapons and armour, train their skills ... the possibilities to develop and to improve characters are endless! Who will you be?
  • Massive International Community

    No MMORPG can do without a good community. With more than 100000 active players, Tibia is one of the largest games of its kind! No matter when you are online, you will always find yourself amidst hundreds of characters that are played by real people such as yourself, characters with whom you can trade, team up or even fight. Our groundbreaking chat feature will allow you to talk comfortably to many different people at a time. Make friends with people from all over the world with Tibia!

These features are just a few about Tibia. In fact, Tibia has much more to offer!

Tibia Skills Guide

Skills determine a character's ability to perform vital actions such as attacking with a weapon, blocking blows with shields etc. Unlike hit points or mana, skills do not improve when a character advances in level. Instead, skill levels increase through use, i.e. a character will train sword fighting when using an edged weapon, while his club fighting skill will gradually improve if he uses a blunt weapon. If a skill has been used often enough to advance, a white message will be displayed in the game window, and the skill level will automatically increase by one. The progress to the next skill level is indicated by a little bar underneath each skill.

There are 8 different skills in Tibia. Most of them are related to the use of weapons:

  • Fist Fighting

    This skill determines your character's ability to fight with bare hands. Needless to say, characters do not cause much damage when fighting unarmed, even if they have a considerable fist fighting skill.
  • Club Fighting

    This is a weapon skill. It covers blunt weapons such as clubs, maces, staffs and hammers.
  • Sword Fighting

    Another weapon skill. This skill is needed to use any kind of edged weapons, from puny knives to mighty giant swords.
  • Axe Fighting

    Similar to other weapon skills, your character will need the corresponding skill to successfully wield any kinds of axe, from hatchets to the legendary Stonecutter Axe. Also, this skill covers pole weapons such as halberds and lances.
  • Distance Fighting

    This weapon skill covers all distance weapons. This includes thrown weapons such as stones and spears as well as bows and crossbows.
  • Shielding

    Shielding is the ability to successfully block enemy attacks with a shield. Of course, characters need to hold shields in their hands in order to use this skill. Note that it is not possible to block more than 2 opponents at a time.
  • Fishing

    Fishing differs from other skills in that you must actively use it every single time you try to catch a fish. To use this skill characters need a fishing rod and some worms in their inventory. Worms can be found in some monsters or can be bought at shops that also sell fishing rods. Equipped with the fishing gear, you will have to find a place close to a river or some other body of water that contains fish. Once you have found a suitable place all you need to do is to use the fishing rod on the water. Do not worry if you do not catch a fish immediately - your chance to catch one will increase with your fishing skill. However, please note that not all bodies of water contain fish, so if you have tried many times without success, it is probably a good idea to try your luck somewhere else. A worm will vanish from your inventory every time you actually catch a fish, so make sure you have always enough baits left.
  • Magic Level

    The magic level is similar to regular weapon skills in that it directly influences the power of a character's spells. Thus, a druid with a high magic level will restore more hit points when casting a healing spell than a druid of comparable experience who has a lower magic level. This way it is even possible for a low-level spellcaster to cast spells that are more powerful than those of some high-level characters. Please see the manual section on magic for details.

Thank you for your reading,hope this guide can give you some help to train your character better in the game!

Tibia fishing Guide

Spring Patch 2010

The spring patch is here! In last week's teaser, we already announced the main new features it brings along. Let us recall the major changes:

  • All players are now able to report character names they find disturbing. For more details on how this works, please have a look at the corresponding FAQ entry.
  • Premium players can now enjoy two happy hours: Within the first two hours of stamina, which means up to hour 40, they get 50% more experience points.
  • If a character has 14 or less hours of stamina left when killing a monster as the highest damage dealer, the loot of the monster gets destroyed.
  • Besides several improvements of the bot detection tool, characters that are banished now get kicked out of the game within a narrow time frame.

In addition to the features presented in the teaser, some further changes have been made. Information about banishments will no longer be displayed on a character page from now on, no matter if the character is hidden or not.

Besides a couple of minor bug fixes, there is now a solution for the error that sometimes occurs when logging out. If the client tells you that you are already logged in with a character even though that is not the case, you will now just have to log in and out with the affected character to solve this problem.

The patch will be downloaded automatically when you log into the game. If you should encounter any problems, you can alternatively download the new client 8.55 from our download section.

Tibia Paladin guide For Making money


There are different ways and places to go but I have personally found a few to stand out in the past. Mintwallen, Hydras and Dwarf Guards are some of the best places in my opinion in that order. Most people will tell you that collecting loot is the best way and that's how I look at it. Loot bagging is an essential part of everyday Tibia and makes for a proficient source of income for any vocation. Just try to think of it as free money. Most people don't pick up little stuff like Hatchets but if you think about it, it's actually like leaving 25gp on the ground repeatedly, which deducts from what your gross total could be. That's my point of view but I don't blame you if you don't collect the little things usually anything under 50gp as can be a bit bothersome to go all the way to Fibula to sell them but keep in mind you should be collecting Bows and Cross Bows so you'll have to make the trip anyway. You can drag your bag around with you or hide it with at least a backpack of bolts as partial contents, having some extra backpacks makes looting more enjoyable and since you won't carrying it because you should have done the POSTMANS QUEST the weight should be of no matter. If you're not good at saving money like me, just save up the loot keeping it organized, which makes for a faster more efficient selling experience. I usually sell a loot bag that weighs at least 100k oz because at that weight your pretty much guaranteed a decent sum of cash.

Clearing Quest

People will always need help doing quest. You can charge them money to clear the quest or even accompany them. Here are just a few that occur often enough to note.

Black Knight Quest - The idea is to run the Black Knight around the room while you bolt it and use Sudden Death Runes, you can charge a group of low levels a set price and it adds up depending on the number of heads on the hunt. You'll need to find the key in a dead tree near by. (Need level 50)

BANSHEE QUEST- This quest is a bit more tricky as the last seal can't be infiltrated by people that have all ready done so, but the people always need help killing the Warlocks and just for support. (Need level 60)

STEALTH RING QUEST- This is a easy set up to be honest, I can go invisible and clear the entire pyramid with one cast of Invisibility. It's located to the far northeast of Darashia. (Need Invisible)

EDRON ORC QUEST- Pretty easy for the most part, just a lot of Orcs and one Giant Spider to deal with. It's located through the sewers in the largest apartment like complex to the south of the southern most Edron Castle gate. (Shield recommended)

BLOOD HERB QUEST- Another easy one being that a Giant Spider is the only creature that poses anything-immediate threat. (Shield and Heavy Magic Missile Runes recommended)

DEEPER FIBULA QUEST - This quest takes a little planning with the amount of creatures your killing. People in newer worlds will need help around level 50 as well as more with the progression of time. You need a key or two down here so make sure you do your homework and ask around. (You have to be at least level 50 to get through the doors so any higher just makes it easier)


People need money to advance in level, as they level they make money also. What I'm getting at is that you can essentially make money by capitalizing on this idea. I personally usually invest in Mages or Knights since their gain is usually higher than that of a Paladin. Let's say you loan a sorcerer 20 backpacks of manafluids, you could make a deal like you get all the loot he collects as payment which depending on the skill of the Sorcerer should bring you in a little award. The downside is the reward might be small but if you think about it and you can increase the amount loaned as time progresses to receive larger rewards and its free money.


If you keep the Trade Channel open enough you'll sometimes notice a nice or maybe decent item selling way below the average price. Your goal here is to buy an item for as low as possible then sell it for the normal price. Patient is a must in this venture as items are hard to sell sometimes. Keeping this in mind next time you see a Crusader Helmet for 4K don't think twice just buy it because at the worst case scenario you can have someone sell this item to a Djinn.

World Trading

You can buy items cheaper in older worlds and this sometimes comes in handy. Think about it like this, if I was to buy a Magic Plate Armor in say Antica for 300K, then I could simply world trade it to a newer world where it's say 650K. By world trading a item like this you double your money. You can trade money from your current world to another to do this technique, but don't trust everyone now. It takes times and a few times getting tricked sometimes to learn, but after a while you'll be able to smell a trap from a mile away. Trade low amounts and you might want to be trying to find out about reputations of the recipient. There are plenty of ways to find this out ranging from asking around for local gossip or in the Game Chat Channel.

Tibia Guide