Throughout the history of Tibia numerous charismatic individuals have passed by, some serving good, others serving evil. But each and everyone of them had a specific task or goal in mind, doing their utter best to fulfill their destiny. However, these great men and women of Tibia are not that well known. We all know Zathroth, we all know Banor, and we definitely all know Ferumbras. But do you know Puldrak, the authority on creatures and my personal idol? Have you ever heard about Borsoz, the mage that discovered a cure for "jungle fever"? How about Daraman? How much do you know about this famous prophet of the gods?
Each of these individuals were of importance in their days, shaping the world as we know it. They all deserve their moment of glory, and the attention that comes with it. This work will be dedicated to these Legendary Figures of Tibia.
1. The Age of Daraman
From the Genesis, we learn that at the end of the Corpse War, the gods created the humans as their champion race, led by Banor. However, it is only recently discovered that the first humans lived in Darama, and only later on spread to the rest of the world. In the first age of mankind, Daraman played a vital role.
Everything originally started in Kha'labal, which is now the lifeless desert that surrounds the cities of Darashia and Ankrahmun. In the first age of men, it was a paradise created by the gods as a present for the human race. In this paradise, Banor and the other Founders built Ankrahmun and Darashia, where the humans thrived and lived in prosperity. However, the bliss didn't last long. Orcs and the undead started to invade the beautiful region of Kha'labal, bringing the people to despair, many of which eventually started to believe the gods had left them. Some humans' hatred was so strong that they turned sides and started dedicating their lives to necromancy. These outcasts founded the underground city of Drefia, a place of the foulest corruption.
The first chapter of the Kha'labal Chronicles
Yet, all of this was part of the gods' plan. After all, the human race wasn't created to live in happiness and prosperity. They were designed to be tough and fight back Zathroth's evil. Human kind had to learn to fend for themselves and to survive. But to help them, the gods sendtin help, in the form of Daraman, their chosen prophet.
2. Who was Daraman?
Sent in by the gods as their prophet, Daraman was meant to lead the humans into a new age of religion. He prepared them for the spiritual and ethnic challenge that awaited them in a world of evil and treachery. Daraman believed in a life of non-materialism and meditation. He was able to spread this philosophy to most of the people, but more importantly, he managed to convert many of the djinns who were until then a deadly threat to the human kind. By convincing King Gabel of the djinns to follow his ways, he tore apart the djinns' unity and sparked the terrible civil war between the Marids and the Efreet. In his own way, Daraman saved human kind from near annihilation; however, the djinn wars had a terrible side as well. A terrible raging fire, which was cast by the Efreet magicians, burned down the once fertile Kha'labal and transformed it into the dry desert we know it as today.
Later on, Asmunrah was crowned as the first pharaoh, ruling over an immense empire that included the continent of Darama and Tiquanda, and which adopted Daraman's name
A view of Ashmunrah's impressive empire.
3. Daraman's philosophy
Daraman believed in ascension as a promise to the human kind and as a reward for the hardship thrust upon them by the gods. Through self-control and meditation, one was able to enhance his soul and ascend to heaven, becoming a celestial being. In order to reach this point of perfection, it was necessary to cast away all the pleasures of a materialistic existence and dedicate your life to meditation, to enrich the soul. Simplicity was his philosophy, through which ascension and a more meaningful life was reachable. At the end, Daraman reached the point of perfection he believed so strongly in, and ascended to heaven.
In the ages after Daraman, the pharaohs of Ankrahmun adopted the prophet's idea of ascension, and changed it to their own liking. The pharaoh now claims to be a god, and everybody that follows him will eventually receive ascension. A life of meditation and simplicity is in their eyes unnecessary. Their raped version of Daraman's teachings is a thorn in the eye of many honest priests, who are enraged by the corrupt lifestyle of Ankrahmun's rulers.
In the end, the prophet Daraman truly shaped the world we know today. He was loved by many and hated by few. He truly was was a holy man with a divine soul.