Mar 27, 2010

Tibia Skill Training Guides

Tibia Skill training is the only way which Knights and Paladins, two of the vocations which need skills to become stronger and better. The only way for them to become stronger with skills is to skill train. Although skill training is tough, distance is easier to train than melee skills (swording, axeing, clubbing, fisting). Skill training allows the above mentioned vocations kill and block stronger monsters. However, be warned, levels are just as important ,if no more!
How to skill train?
One of the most famous ways to understand skill training is the Basket, Pool and Ball. For example, you take a basket and put in one ball for every hit u made with ur fist/axe/club/sword and put in a ball. The basket can only hold 30 balls, so when you make the monster you are skill training with bleed, u empty the balls into the pool. When the pool is full, you gain a level up in the skill. However, shielding is a bit different. For every hit your skill training monsters hit, including POOFS (Shield blocked), YELLOW EXPLOSION (Armor blocked) and BLOOD HIT (you got hit with damage), you put a ball into the basket. In order to empty it, you must make a BLOODHIT on the monsters u are training with.
1) You must make a bloodhit every 30 hits or else the hits after the 30 is not counted
2) When shield training, you must make a blood hit every 30 hits on you from the monsters
3) You gain the skills gradually while hunting but it is very slow

Paladins, however, is the same concept with different uses of the balls. Every bloodhit u make would put 2 balls into the basket, not one. Shielld training is the same, but I have not comfirmed the amount of balls the "basket" can hold. The above finding was with arrows, so I am not sure about any other skill training items (spears, throwing stars, small stones, snowballs).

There are many different places where u can skill train. All monsters can be used, but some are more effective than others. Here is a list which I reccommend.

1) Swamp Trolls. U can find a place, use parcels to get 2 swamp trolls attacking you and skill train there. Be warned that they can poison you, but they often drop fish so not much of a problem. They poison you with a Armor hit though (99% comfirmed).

2)Minotaurs, Dwarves, Rotworms. You can find minotaurs to train. I have so far only found one place with them, Folda. Dwarves can be found in the dwarf mines near Kaz, with rotworms. It is reccommended to go to places where people hardly go to for skill training here. For rots you could probable try the sewers in Carlin, but you must be lucky there r hardly people around.

3)Slimes. Slimes are one of the best and yet dangerous skill training monsters. For the fact that they multiple, u can skill train with tem for hours on end, but if three is on you, you'll get hit hard. The carlin sewers is the best place to do this, do to the exploitation of the terrain. Get a friend to help u with the exploitation.

4)Ghouls. Ghouls are able to heal themselves, making them extremely useful for skill training. But they are dangerous themselves and are hard to find with 2 or more ghouls and their life draining abilities is not too welcomed. You can try, but beware.

5)Polar bears or bears. These are good for early skill training as they have high defense and hitpoints. I used to train on these, but i found another place better after some exploration.

6)Femor Hills, the power ring quest room and the one before. There are a lot of goblins but they throw stones. Hardly people come here.

7)Cyclops. Yes, cyclops. They are deadly, but with a good shielding skill (55 i think), you can use them for skill training. So far i think the Thais Lighthouse is most useful for this. Get two friends to lock you in. But hope they are trustworthy.

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