Level required: 0
Location: Svargrond
Premium: Yes
Reward: Mastermind Potion, 123 (100+23) Gold, 2 Rainbow Trouts, Green Perch
Duration: Short (< 1 hour)
Required items
Pic | Item | Amount | Loot from |
Parcels | 9 |
Quest guide
Before you can do this quest you need to have access to Formorgar Mines. You get it by starting the Formorgar Mines missions of Ice Islands Quest.
To reach Formorgar mines you will have to follow some maps. First get to the hill north of Svargrond. Now walk like this map shows:
If you reached the spot where the black line ends use levitate or parcels to go up 3 times.
Now follow this map (Polar Bears, Winter Wolves and Mammoths on this path):
Now go down by the stairs and follow the next map (Ice Golems here):
Now continue like this map shows after you went down (Ice Golems here):
After you went down again you will have to go north like this map shows (Novices of the Cult, Mammoths, Frost Trolls and Polar Bears here):
Now follow the next map (Frost Trolls, Mammoths and Novices of the Cult here):
Now follow the next map (there are Novices of the Cult, Frost Trolls, Mammoths and Gargoyles here):
After you went upstairs follow this map (Stone Golem in the beggining and Novices of the Cults and an Ice Golem near the stairs):
After you went down go down again (Novices of the Cult and Ice Golems here):
Now go down again here:
Now follow this map (Frost Trolls, Novices of the Cult, Gargoyles and Mammoths here):
Now follow this map to reach the camp (Acolytes of the Cult, possibly 1 Ice Golem and 1 Adept of the Cult on the way):
Take the loot from the chest:
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