Free account players have 100 soulpoints and premium account players have 200 soulpoints. Making arrows, bolts or other distance weapons costs soulpoints, just like making runes. Instant spells don't require a certain amount of soulpoints. The amount of soulpoints needed to make a rune is different for every rune. As an example, an ultimate healing rune requires 3 soulpoints and a heavy magic missile rune 2 soulpoints.
Now that you know all this, it's time to learn how you can earn soulpoints. To restore soulpoints you can sleep in a bed or hunt. Sleeping in a bed isn't hard and needs no explanation, but hunting does needs a word of explanation since it's not as easy as you might think it is. It does matter what you hunt! You have to hunt monsters that give you the same or more experience points (exp) then your level. As example we can give that a level 35 cannot hunt trolls to restore soulpoints because they only give 20 exp, and they need to give 35 or more experience points. But this same person would be perfectly fine if he would hunt larvas, since they give 44 exp which is more then his level. As last I would like to tell that while premium account players are sleeping in a bed, they restore one soulpoint every 15 minutes; so long nights means many soulpoints.
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