Mar 27, 2010

Tibia Mage Guide

Level 1-8

Recommended magic level: 0
You're starting at Rookgaard's temple. Get to the stables (north from Tom the Tanner's shop) and do the Doublet Quest. After that, do the Rapier Quest in the sewers.

If you want some better stuff than this I'd suggest you to collect dead rats which you can sell to Tom the Tanner for 2 gp each. When you have collected some cash you can buy a Wooden Shield from Lee'Delle for 13 gp. Other cheap items which can be useful are Backpack (9 gp), Leather Armor (22 gp), Leather Helmet (11 gp) and Leather Legs (9 gp).

When you are happy with your equipment, head off to the Premium island and start killing some spiders. When you are level 4 (should take about 10 minutes) you can start hunting at Premium bugs or hunt wolves, snakes and the mountain troll at the Premium island if you want to get level 8 fast. This would require that you get some better equipment (atleast a shield), and is a quick but unprofitable way.

FOR BOTTERS: When you have decent equipment, go bot at Premium island's rats. This will give you good money and about 2k/h exp.

TIPS: Making money at Rookgaard
If you want to leave Rook with some starting cash for main you can start hunting skeletons at level 6+. Go for the Premium islands skeletons and make lootbags with maces, hatchets and brass shields and sell them to NPCs or other players. Deposit the money in the bank just to be safe.

Level 8-15
(Equipment: Newbie set, Wand, 25+ Def shield)
Recommended magic level: 0-18

In these levels there are a lot of hunting places that might be good for you. But this is what I recommend you to do; choose Darashia as your city when you get to main. Once you've arrived at main, start posting offers in the Trade chat for a newbie set (Scale Armor, Dwarven Shield, Dark/Steel Helmet, Brass Legs). If you're not sure about the prices, ask at Game chat. Get the free Wand of Vortex at the Mage's guild, then head north to the Minotaur Tower. Hunt at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor (only regular minotaurs) and create lootbags for money. Do NOT go down the stairs because you can get killed by the Minotaur Guards. Buy the "Light healing spell" (exura) once you get level 9, then continue hunting at the Minotaur Tower or go to one of the Rotworm caves.

FOR BOTTERS: If you wanna bot here, you could eighter bot at Darashia rotworms (about 10k/h and good money) or Edron trolls/goblins (not as good exp/money, but safer). You could also try Edron rotworms or Port Hope swamp trolls.

Level 15-25
(Equipment: Plate set, Wand / 2-handed weapon, 26+ Def shield)
Recommended magic level: 18-25

Easy levels. When you're level 15 you should have enough cash to buy Plate set, Crown Helmet and a decent shield. Ankrahmun's larva caves are great for these levels. Use full defense if you're using a wand. Pick up the money and eat the meat. Avoid getting swarmed by the larvas and you will do fine. If you're botting you could buy a one handed weapon like serpent/spike sword. Botters may want to buy some manas just to be safe here, especially if using wand. If you don't like larvas you can continue botting at the previous spots for a while.

Level 25-28
(Equipment: Plate set, Wand / 2-handed weapon, 27+ Def shield)
Recommended magic level: 25-30

Also easy levels. Eighter you can continue hunting at larvas while maybe making some HMMs or you can go hunt at the GS tomb using a two-handed weapon if you wanna gain some faster exp.

Level 28-40
(Equipment: Plate set, Wand / 2-handed weapon, 27+ Def shield)
Recommended magic level: 30-40

These levels might be quite boring, but it's a part of the game. A good place to hunt is at the Edron Dragon lair with 2 demon skeletons as summons. This would probably need you to get some BPs with IHs to heal your summons.
Experience is "fair" and loot is "average-low".

Another way is to stay at GS tomb or larvas. Takes more time but here you will waste less money. Good for botters. You could also try scarabs.
Experience is "fair" and money is "average-good"

The third way are more dangerous and are only recommended to more experienced players if they can afford it. Exori Vis + Wand at cyclopolis will get you "good" experience and "nice" money. Might be dangerous because of lured monsters. If you wanna be on the safe side you can summon 2 monks. This will only get you half of the experience gained though and you will have to push your monks from time to time. Make lootbags for some nice cash.

FOR BOTTERS: Port Hope dworcs is great here. Get a good waypoint for them and just BOT! You could also stay at larvas/GS-tomb/scarabs.

Level 40-65
(Equipment: Blue Robe, Plate Legs, Crown Helmet, BoH, Wand / 2-handed weapon, 31+ Def shield)
Recommended magic level: 40-52

Hunting Ancient Scarabs manually with Stairjump script should do well to level 65.

If you have a blocker with you, you could hunt hydras. Bring your favourite wand and manafluids, a lot of them. Let your blocker block the middle single-spawn while you are attacking the hydra with exori vis, wand and 2 demon skeletons as summons.
Experience is "high" and loot is "very nice" (for your blocker if he doesn't share the loot).

If you're not going to use a blocker you will get slower experience but loot can still be very good. Get yourself a lot of manafluids and go hunt Dwarf Guards at the Kazordoon mines with exori vis and wand. Have some UHs with you. Some GFBs can also be good to have if you get trapped. Make lootbags for good money.

Another good but dangerous way (recommended level 50+) is to hunt at Tar pit and use the same strategy as you would with the Dwarf Guards. Use your best wand and drink manafluids to exori vis Vampires, Bonebeasts, Demon Skeletons, Crypt Shamblers and Mummies. I recommend you to get around mlvl 50 before hunting here for good hits with the Exori Vis. Have some UHs and GFBs with you to be on the safe side. Bring about 13 BPs of manafluids per level. Note: This is an estimate, and it mostly depends on your skills as a player when hunting here. Also bring a lot of food because you won't get any food of the monsters.
Experience is "excellent" and loot is "fair".

Level 65-100
(Equipment: Blue Robe, Crown/Blue Legs, Royal Helmet, BoH, Wand of Cosmic Energy, Demon Shield)
Recommended magic level: 52-62

By now you should have about 20k in the bank. Now you will hunt the most profitable and experience giving monsters to mid-high level sorcerers. Dragon Lords. Hunt them at the Venore dragon's underground spawn. Frost Dragons is also great here.
Experience is "excellent" and loot is "excellent".

Another great way to exp now is to stairjump Behemoths, really nice exp/cash. It's recommended that you use Soft Boots when doing this though.

Without Soft Boots you can also try Formorgar Mines, at cults. Nice exp/loot if you are lucky.

Note: Dwarf Guards and the Tar pit are still useful until about level 85. Hunting hydras in party are also good at these levels.

FOR BOTTERS: Hellheim or Tombs.

Level 85-100
(Equipment: Blue Robe, Crown/Blue/Golden Legs, Royal Helmet, BoH, Wand, Demon Shield)
Recommended magic level: 62-66/67

Now it's time to begin the power gaming. Continue to hunt Dragon Lords/Frost Dragons. You may hunt Dwarf Guards for some cash, Tar pit will be medium difficult but the exp given won't be as good as it was earlier. Try to stick with the Dragon Lords/Frost Dragons and party hunts.

You can also continue stairjump Behemoths.

Demons are good, use Icicles and Self Healing activated. Stairjumping them would be good.

Hope this guide can help you get high level quickly !

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