Mar 27, 2010

Five Reason To Play Tibia Game

When you are choosing a fun online game,which reason do you want to consider ,free to play or others ,this time I would like to recommend some reasons to play tibia ,hope you can like to play tibia game!

Tibia is Free!

Unlike most other online games, Tibia is absolutely free! No hidden costs, no limited trial phase - once you have created an account you can go on playing forever if you like, and all you will ever need to pay for is your internet provider. Of course, players can choose to upgrade the game by buying premium time which will give them access to a number of premium features that make Tibia even more fun. However, buying premium time is strictly voluntary, and you will find that free account players are always just as welcome to Tibia as premium players.

  • Fast and Easy Access!

    Getting Tibia is easy! All you need is a computer, a connection to the internet and an email address! With a size of no more than 20 MB for Windows and 21 MB for Linux users, downloading the client program you need to connect to the game servers of Tibia takes a matter of minutes, even if your connection is slow. What's more, the system requirements are low, so you won't need the latest equipment to play. All in all it will take you no more than 5 minutes to get into the game. Give it a try today! You will be surprised how quickly you will find your own character exploring the exciting world of Tibia!
  • Huge Game World

    The land of Tibia is a huge realm filled with adventure and unknown dangers. Scores of dungeons and mysterious places are waiting to be explored, and legions of deadly creatures are lurking in the wilderness. You will meet with many challenges and take up tricky quests, but your efforts will be rewarded well, for there are hundreds of unique items you can find along the way. And there is more to come! The world of Tibia is continually expanding, so don't be surprised to run into something completely new just when you thought you had seen it all!
  • Character Customisation

    Make your heroes true individuals! Characters can be customised in many different ways: choose one of 4 exciting character vocations, each with its individual strengths and weaknesses. Select one of several different skins to individualise your characters' looks. Make your characters learn dozens of unique spells, equip them with the finest weapons and armour, train their skills ... the possibilities to develop and to improve characters are endless! Who will you be?
  • Massive International Community

    No MMORPG can do without a good community. With more than 100000 active players, Tibia is one of the largest games of its kind! No matter when you are online, you will always find yourself amidst hundreds of characters that are played by real people such as yourself, characters with whom you can trade, team up or even fight. Our groundbreaking chat feature will allow you to talk comfortably to many different people at a time. Make friends with people from all over the world with Tibia!

These features are just a few about Tibia. In fact, Tibia has much more to offer!

Tibia Skills Guide

Skills determine a character's ability to perform vital actions such as attacking with a weapon, blocking blows with shields etc. Unlike hit points or mana, skills do not improve when a character advances in level. Instead, skill levels increase through use, i.e. a character will train sword fighting when using an edged weapon, while his club fighting skill will gradually improve if he uses a blunt weapon. If a skill has been used often enough to advance, a white message will be displayed in the game window, and the skill level will automatically increase by one. The progress to the next skill level is indicated by a little bar underneath each skill.

There are 8 different skills in Tibia. Most of them are related to the use of weapons:

  • Fist Fighting

    This skill determines your character's ability to fight with bare hands. Needless to say, characters do not cause much damage when fighting unarmed, even if they have a considerable fist fighting skill.
  • Club Fighting

    This is a weapon skill. It covers blunt weapons such as clubs, maces, staffs and hammers.
  • Sword Fighting

    Another weapon skill. This skill is needed to use any kind of edged weapons, from puny knives to mighty giant swords.
  • Axe Fighting

    Similar to other weapon skills, your character will need the corresponding skill to successfully wield any kinds of axe, from hatchets to the legendary Stonecutter Axe. Also, this skill covers pole weapons such as halberds and lances.
  • Distance Fighting

    This weapon skill covers all distance weapons. This includes thrown weapons such as stones and spears as well as bows and crossbows.
  • Shielding

    Shielding is the ability to successfully block enemy attacks with a shield. Of course, characters need to hold shields in their hands in order to use this skill. Note that it is not possible to block more than 2 opponents at a time.
  • Fishing

    Fishing differs from other skills in that you must actively use it every single time you try to catch a fish. To use this skill characters need a fishing rod and some worms in their inventory. Worms can be found in some monsters or can be bought at shops that also sell fishing rods. Equipped with the fishing gear, you will have to find a place close to a river or some other body of water that contains fish. Once you have found a suitable place all you need to do is to use the fishing rod on the water. Do not worry if you do not catch a fish immediately - your chance to catch one will increase with your fishing skill. However, please note that not all bodies of water contain fish, so if you have tried many times without success, it is probably a good idea to try your luck somewhere else. A worm will vanish from your inventory every time you actually catch a fish, so make sure you have always enough baits left.
  • Magic Level

    The magic level is similar to regular weapon skills in that it directly influences the power of a character's spells. Thus, a druid with a high magic level will restore more hit points when casting a healing spell than a druid of comparable experience who has a lower magic level. This way it is even possible for a low-level spellcaster to cast spells that are more powerful than those of some high-level characters. Please see the manual section on magic for details.

Thank you for your reading,hope this guide can give you some help to train your character better in the game!

Tibia fishing Guide

Spring Patch 2010

The spring patch is here! In last week's teaser, we already announced the main new features it brings along. Let us recall the major changes:

  • All players are now able to report character names they find disturbing. For more details on how this works, please have a look at the corresponding FAQ entry.
  • Premium players can now enjoy two happy hours: Within the first two hours of stamina, which means up to hour 40, they get 50% more experience points.
  • If a character has 14 or less hours of stamina left when killing a monster as the highest damage dealer, the loot of the monster gets destroyed.
  • Besides several improvements of the bot detection tool, characters that are banished now get kicked out of the game within a narrow time frame.

In addition to the features presented in the teaser, some further changes have been made. Information about banishments will no longer be displayed on a character page from now on, no matter if the character is hidden or not.

Besides a couple of minor bug fixes, there is now a solution for the error that sometimes occurs when logging out. If the client tells you that you are already logged in with a character even though that is not the case, you will now just have to log in and out with the affected character to solve this problem.

The patch will be downloaded automatically when you log into the game. If you should encounter any problems, you can alternatively download the new client 8.55 from our download section.

Tibia Paladin guide For Making money


There are different ways and places to go but I have personally found a few to stand out in the past. Mintwallen, Hydras and Dwarf Guards are some of the best places in my opinion in that order. Most people will tell you that collecting loot is the best way and that's how I look at it. Loot bagging is an essential part of everyday Tibia and makes for a proficient source of income for any vocation. Just try to think of it as free money. Most people don't pick up little stuff like Hatchets but if you think about it, it's actually like leaving 25gp on the ground repeatedly, which deducts from what your gross total could be. That's my point of view but I don't blame you if you don't collect the little things usually anything under 50gp as can be a bit bothersome to go all the way to Fibula to sell them but keep in mind you should be collecting Bows and Cross Bows so you'll have to make the trip anyway. You can drag your bag around with you or hide it with at least a backpack of bolts as partial contents, having some extra backpacks makes looting more enjoyable and since you won't carrying it because you should have done the POSTMANS QUEST the weight should be of no matter. If you're not good at saving money like me, just save up the loot keeping it organized, which makes for a faster more efficient selling experience. I usually sell a loot bag that weighs at least 100k oz because at that weight your pretty much guaranteed a decent sum of cash.

Clearing Quest

People will always need help doing quest. You can charge them money to clear the quest or even accompany them. Here are just a few that occur often enough to note.

Black Knight Quest - The idea is to run the Black Knight around the room while you bolt it and use Sudden Death Runes, you can charge a group of low levels a set price and it adds up depending on the number of heads on the hunt. You'll need to find the key in a dead tree near by. (Need level 50)

BANSHEE QUEST- This quest is a bit more tricky as the last seal can't be infiltrated by people that have all ready done so, but the people always need help killing the Warlocks and just for support. (Need level 60)

STEALTH RING QUEST- This is a easy set up to be honest, I can go invisible and clear the entire pyramid with one cast of Invisibility. It's located to the far northeast of Darashia. (Need Invisible)

EDRON ORC QUEST- Pretty easy for the most part, just a lot of Orcs and one Giant Spider to deal with. It's located through the sewers in the largest apartment like complex to the south of the southern most Edron Castle gate. (Shield recommended)

BLOOD HERB QUEST- Another easy one being that a Giant Spider is the only creature that poses anything-immediate threat. (Shield and Heavy Magic Missile Runes recommended)

DEEPER FIBULA QUEST - This quest takes a little planning with the amount of creatures your killing. People in newer worlds will need help around level 50 as well as more with the progression of time. You need a key or two down here so make sure you do your homework and ask around. (You have to be at least level 50 to get through the doors so any higher just makes it easier)


People need money to advance in level, as they level they make money also. What I'm getting at is that you can essentially make money by capitalizing on this idea. I personally usually invest in Mages or Knights since their gain is usually higher than that of a Paladin. Let's say you loan a sorcerer 20 backpacks of manafluids, you could make a deal like you get all the loot he collects as payment which depending on the skill of the Sorcerer should bring you in a little award. The downside is the reward might be small but if you think about it and you can increase the amount loaned as time progresses to receive larger rewards and its free money.


If you keep the Trade Channel open enough you'll sometimes notice a nice or maybe decent item selling way below the average price. Your goal here is to buy an item for as low as possible then sell it for the normal price. Patient is a must in this venture as items are hard to sell sometimes. Keeping this in mind next time you see a Crusader Helmet for 4K don't think twice just buy it because at the worst case scenario you can have someone sell this item to a Djinn.

World Trading

You can buy items cheaper in older worlds and this sometimes comes in handy. Think about it like this, if I was to buy a Magic Plate Armor in say Antica for 300K, then I could simply world trade it to a newer world where it's say 650K. By world trading a item like this you double your money. You can trade money from your current world to another to do this technique, but don't trust everyone now. It takes times and a few times getting tricked sometimes to learn, but after a while you'll be able to smell a trap from a mile away. Trade low amounts and you might want to be trying to find out about reputations of the recipient. There are plenty of ways to find this out ranging from asking around for local gossip or in the Game Chat Channel.

Tibia Guide

Tibia Hints

Playing in the online game world of Tibia can be a blast, as users state that competing in a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that features a persistent world as in depth as Tibia is fun and exciting as well as addictive. But often players who join these games tend to play for extended periods of time without really having any idea of what's going on. While this initial phase of running around and poking monsters with the sharp end of your weapon can be the most fun in the game but for some players it is a long and trying experience unless they utilizes the available Tibia hints and tricks. Making use of the available Tibia hint to assist you in Tibia or one of your other favorite games will allow you to move ahead of your friends and competitors and experience rapid gains in experience as well as loot and other important Tibia features such as quests.

Any player who decides that they want to move up rapidly in their favorite online game, such as Tibia, would be well advised to expend the user's effort into learning as much as they can about the game and exploring all the Tibia hints, tips and tricks that they can come across. This wealth of Tibia hints and accumulated knowledge can help the user rapidly gain experience and make much more tibia money and in the game.

Any MMORPG player would be wise to check out the Tibia hints available at MmorpGuides for an easy leg up in their attempts to succeed in Tibia and other online games.

Tibia Planning a successful event FAQ

The word event can have several meanings:

In culture and social life:

* Festival, for example a musical event

* Ceremony, for example a marriage

* Competition, for example a sports competition

* Party, for example a birthday party

* Convention (meeting), for example a gaming convention

Many of us are set clueless on exactly how to plan or create a great and entertaining event. An event can be a simple forum game in the forums, a marriage, or hosting a race for your guilds 1 year anniversary. In this detailed FAQ we will reach the final results on who to invite, how to plan, where the hot spots are to have an event, and more.

Why should I host an event?

Why not? Events can be very entertaining. You get the chance to meet new people and make new friends. Depending on the event, you yourself have the chance to actually make money by charging an entry fee. Managing events connect the communities together rather than apart.

How should I go about hosting an event?

The best solution is to think of all the past major events, trivia, water polo, chess, checkers, races, and many more. If you are unsure, ask your world in your world boards about past events held. Once you have an idea, stick with it and do not change topics.

When should I host my event?

Depending on your timezone location, managing the time of the event is important. You need to find the 'hot spot' on your server where the max amount of players will be able to get on. If you host your event at 12 am, and there are typically less than 500 players online, it might not turn out to well.

Where should I host the event?

All events should be held in free account cities, this way you can attract more users to your event.

Who should I invite?

Everybody should be invited to your event.

In addition to this guide, you should start planning your event 1-2 months before hand to allow time to advertise it. Make sure to post your event on the official event boards.

How to make Bread In Tibia

To make some fresh bread you will need:

Lump of Dough
Oven or Coal Basin

Make bread is a very easy just follow the next steps.

Right click the Scythe and

use with

in the wheat.


(example: Wheat camp Thais, Ab'Dendriel ect.)

After you collect your wheat go and find a mil. (example Thais North)

Enlarge image: 2

Now right click in the wheat and

use with

left click in the millstone and now you have flour .

Now you need water how to get water well you need a empty container trough or bucket. How to get fresh water for your empty container? Just find a draw well and right click in the container

use with

and then in the well.

Now you have water just click the flour and then the water and now you have Lump of Dough

Now you need to find a oven, then right click the Lump of Dough and click the oven.

And congratulation! You now have...

pan fresco

Tibia Security guide

Disclaimer: Reading this guide will not prevent you from being hacked but it will strongly reduce your chance on getting hacked.

1) Never give your password or account number to other people. Even if they say that they need it, or that they are Gamemasters, Tutors or Counsellors; you shouldn't give it. Tibia or CIP-soft will never ask your account number of password. Don't believe it when they tell you that you get a free premium account or free items. CIP (the makers of tibia), will never give away free premium account.

2) Never enter your password on other websites than There are some websites that promise you free items or free premium account or even other things, but these are hack sites. They want your account number and password to take all your items. Be careful too whit websites looking exactly the same than the official website. Keep in mind that is the only official website.

3) Don't make your password too easy, and don't store the password or account number in a file on your computer. Good hackers will be able to hack your computer and read everything that is on it. Make also sure that they don't hack your e-mail account because then they can hack your tibia account very easy. Use a firewall to protect yourself against hackers and viruses.

4) Never believe mails that CIP send you. Sometimes you get a mail from the official e-mail address from CIP-soft, but this is a hacking mail too. They say that you lose your account if you don't click on the link and fill in the page, but you will just lose your account if you click on it. If you think that you have done something wrong, check your computer for viruses whit a virus scanner.

5) Don't play tibia on a public computer like in a library, an internet bar, school... Maybe they can check the history and hack your account. There are hackers that can check everything you do on that computer very easy.

6) Don't believe letters in your depot that you have won something like a free premium account or a trial period for premium account. If it is, it will stand on the website CIP is to busy to send mails or letters to every person. Also don't believe it if you get free items. Latest sending a letter that you'll get banned is very popular. Do not mail or visit (to) anything. This is not true, and you won't get banned. CIP will never warn you of anything by in-game letters.

7) Don't trade or share your account. Sometimes people ask you to share an account, but never do it because they can log in whit your character and take all your stuff, and sharing is against the rules. Never buy an account from another player. They sell it, and after you bought it, they just enter a recovery key password and they have the account back. It's very easy to get hacked this way. And last but not least, account selling, buying, sharing or trading are forbidden and will result in a ban/deletion of all accounts taking part in it.

8) If you have Premium Account, you can personalise your account. It increases the safety of your account, and if you are hacked you can send a copy of your passport to get your account back. You also get a recovery key password. Write down this password, and if you are hacked you can enter it in the lost account interface to get your account back immediately. If you want to get rid of the key logger, try a virus scan, and if this doesn't find anything reinstall windows (format your pc).

9) Don't download any programs that help you whit playing tibia that aren't from the official site ( They will tell that it are great programs, and most of them does work, e.g. there are programs that eats, fishes, casts spells and make runes automatically or there are programs that you will never need a torch again... Never download these programs. Some of these programs are: Tibia GG, Tibia Proxy, AFK program... Btw, those programs are pretty useless after the last update. Also be careful with the place where you download TibiaCam. For experienced hackers it's not very hard to put a key logger in it and republish it.

10) Installing a firewall will increase your security. Don't tell around what firewall you use, so the hackers can't put them down. Tell as less info about yourself and your pc as possible. The less they know, the better.

11) Do NOT listen to all kind of in-game messages offering you things like:

* become level 80, visit xxx .com

* want to come on hydrablade quest, visit xxx .com

* join my guild and get free rooms, look on xxx .com

* free premium account at xxx .com

* Bubble against 6 demons, xxx .com

Tibia Soulpoints Introduction

Soulpoints are an addition to Tibia to prevent cheating. Before there were soulpoints there were many druid farms (afk druids putted online with multi-client to make uh runes). Because this is illegal CIP had to find a solution for them, and I think the soulpoint system is doing a perfect job here. Of course it also afflicts fair players, since they have to hunt or sleep in a bed to restore soulpoints. It's no big problem for promoted players (players with a vocation promotion) since their soulpoints raise pretty fast while hunting (1 soulpoint every 15 seconds) and they can also sleep in beds to restore soulpoints. Free account players have a harder job upon gaining soulpoints, while hunting they only gain 1 soulpoint every 2 minutes. This is to prevent people to go hunt with their druid farm, but it's not very pleasant for fair players. A good advice is to see that your soulpoints don't go too low.


Free account players have 100 soulpoints and premium account players have 200 soulpoints. Making arrows, bolts or other distance weapons costs soulpoints, just like making runes. Instant spells don't require a certain amount of soulpoints. The amount of soulpoints needed to make a rune is different for every rune. As an example, an ultimate healing rune requires 3 soulpoints and a heavy magic missile rune 2 soulpoints.

Now that you know all this, it's time to learn how you can earn soulpoints. To restore soulpoints you can sleep in a bed or hunt. Sleeping in a bed isn't hard and needs no explanation, but hunting does needs a word of explanation since it's not as easy as you might think it is. It does matter what you hunt! You have to hunt monsters that give you the same or more experience points (exp) then your level. As example we can give that a level 35 cannot hunt trolls to restore soulpoints because they only give 20 exp, and they need to give 35 or more experience points. But this same person would be perfectly fine if he would hunt larvas, since they give 44 exp which is more then his level. As last I would like to tell that while premium account players are sleeping in a bed, they restore one soulpoint every 15 minutes; so long nights means many soulpoints.

Tibia Stamina Guide

To discourage account sharers and cavebotters, CipSoft introduced stamina. The stamina bar is located in your skills window, above your magic level.


When you're gaining experience your stamina will drop. When your stamina is full you have 42 hours of stamina. During the first hour of your hunt you'll have a 50% experience bonus (only for premium players). So, as long as you're above 41 hours of stamina you'll get 150% of the experience points you normally get.

When your stamina goes below 14 hours you'll only gain half experience and when it's on 0 you won't gain experience at all. When you're mana sitting or training, your stamina won't decrease, only when you're really hunting. For every 3 minutes your character is logged out, you'll get 1 minute of stamina back, with the exception of the last hour of regeneration, which will take 12 minutes to recover 1 minute stamina.

Stamina is not really something to worry about. It will almost never go below 30. What you can do when your stamina is getting low is playing on another character. When you play on another character your main character is logged out and stamina will restore. The only people that will really get

Tibia Fishing guide

To go out fishing, you'll need the next:

* Fishing Rod

* Worms

* Patience

Fishing is a very easy thing to do
Fishing is a very easy thing to do. Just follow the next steps.

1. Put worms and a fishing rod in your backpack.

2. Right click on your rod and this menu will appear:

Contextual Menu
3. Click on "Use with" and then an arrow will be formed, click in the water and if you're lucky a fish will be catched else nothing will happen. If your fishing skill is higher then you have a bigge chance to catch a fish. A worm will disapear if a fish is caught. If you don't catch a fish, then there won't disapear a worm.


* Don't keep fishing on the same spot. If you catched a fish on a square it will take some time before it 'respawns'. At lower fishing levels you can see if there is fish on a square by looking if your fishing skill increases. If your skill increases there is a fish on that square, if it doesn't increase then there is no fish at that square.

* You can also press ctrl and then click on the fishing rod, followed by the water instead of right clicking and selecting 'use with'.

* You can hotkey the usage of a Fishing Rod so that you'll only have to press that hotkey and then click on the water.

Tibia Adept Camp Quest Guide

Type: Regular quest
Level required: 0
Location: Svargrond
Premium: Yes
Reward: Mastermind Potion, 123 (100+23) Gold, 2 Rainbow Trouts, Green Perch
Duration: Short (< 1 hour)

Required items

PicItemAmountLoot from

Winter Wolf

Winter Wolf

30 HP

20 Exp

Frost Troll

Frost Troll

55 HP

23 Exp

Polar Bear

Polar Bear

85 HP

28 Exp



245 HP

65 Exp

Novice Of The Cult

Novice Of The Cult

285 HP

100 Exp



250 HP

150 Exp



150 HP

150 Exp



320 HP

160 Exp

Stone Golem

Stone Golem

270 HP

160 Exp

Ice Golem

Ice Golem

385 HP

295 Exp

Acolyte Of The Cult

Acolyte Of The Cult

390 HP

300 Exp

Adept Of The Cult

Adept Of The Cult

430 HP

400 Exp

Quest guide

Before you can do this quest you need to have access to Formorgar Mines. You get it by starting the Formorgar Mines missions of Ice Islands Quest.

To reach Formorgar mines you will have to follow some maps. First get to the hill north of Svargrond. Now walk like this map shows:


If you reached the spot where the black line ends use levitate or parcels to go up 3 times.

Now follow this map (Polar Bears, Winter Wolves and Mammoths on this path):


Now go down by the stairs and follow the next map (Ice Golems here):


Now continue like this map shows after you went down (Ice Golems here):


After you went down again you will have to go north like this map shows (Novices of the Cult, Mammoths, Frost Trolls and Polar Bears here):


Now follow the next map (Frost Trolls, Mammoths and Novices of the Cult here):


Now follow the next map (there are Novices of the Cult, Frost Trolls, Mammoths and Gargoyles here):


After you went upstairs follow this map (Stone Golem in the beggining and Novices of the Cults and an Ice Golem near the stairs):


After you went down go down again (Novices of the Cult and Ice Golems here):


Now go down again here:


Now follow this map (Frost Trolls, Novices of the Cult, Gargoyles and Mammoths here):


Now follow this map to reach the camp (Acolytes of the Cult, possibly 1 Ice Golem and 1 Adept of the Cult on the way):


Take the loot from the chest:


Tibia Vocations Introduction

Characters in Tibia divide into vocations, i.e. character professions. A character's vocation determines his characteristics in many ways. For instance, a knight will quickly surpass any spellcaster in his fighting skills, while magic users such as sorcerers or druids can advance their magic levels further than any paladin or knight can ever hope to reach. There are 4 vocations players can choose from once their character has made level 8:

a) Druids
Druids are pure magic users. Like sorcerers, they are of weak build, and their weapon skills are rather limited. But then, what do you need weapons for when you can bring down your enemies with a well-aimed blast of magic? Druids have a good number of offensive spells at their disposals, and an experienced druid with a reasonable magic level can take out enemies as well as any other vocation in Tibia. As the masters of earth and ice spells, druids are especially feared by creatures that make fire and energy damage.
However, even though druids can be fearsome opponents, their magic focuses on different aspects. Being friends of nature and of all that is alive, druids concentrate on the creative and benevolent side of magic. Druids are Tibia's best healers, and their ability to cure others makes them very popular with all other vocations. Only they know how to create "Ultimate Healing" runes. Experienced druids are never short of cash, because players of other vocations will be happy to pay them good money in exchange for their runes. Moreover, players of all vocations appreciate to have a druid around as a life-saver, so druids have an advantage when it comes to making friends.
If you prefer using powerful magic instead of brute force, and if you are also a team player who likes to cooperate with others, you should choose a druid.

b) Knights
Knights are the toughest warriors in Tibia. They are strong, resilient, and they know how to wield any melee weapon with fearsome efficiency. In combat, they are always found in the front line, engaging the mightiest opponents in vicious hand-to-hand fighting. When they are travelling with others it is usually the knights who charge enemies in order to protect their companions. Because of their incredible resilience and their skilled use of shields experienced knights are almost impossible to overcome, and even if a battle is lost, it is usually the knights who are the last to fall.
However, for all their prowess in combat knights do have a weakness: knights are comparatively weak when it comes to using magic. Even though they know how to cast a few spells, their magic is rather basic. For this reason knights rely on healing potions or more magically gifted characters to heal the wounds they receive in battle. However, this does not really pose a problem as knights are the best blockers in Tibia and are therefore welcome in every hunting party.
Moreover, their ability to amass large amounts of gold is legendary. Strong as they are, knights can carry immense amounts of items which they can sell for good money in any city, so knights never leave a dungeon with empty hands.
If you are looking for a vocation that is easy to play and to level up, the knight is what you are looking for.

c) Paladins
Paladins, too, are gifted melee fighters. Their ability to train melee skills is second only to that of knights. Also, they know how to handle shields very well, and experienced paladins can block most enemies even though they are not as resilient as knights. The paladins' true strength, however, is their ability to fight at a distance. Paladins are the best archers there are. From throwing simple stones to firing crossbows, paladins can learn to handle any distance weapon with deadly accuracy. A paladin that manages to keep away from his opponents in battle can bring down any enemy.
But there is more to paladins. They are also magic users of considerable skill who have an impressive range of spells at their disposal. And even though their magic skill cannot be compared to that of pure magic users such as druids or sorcerers, paladins have access to many additional spells because they can use a large number of runes. Moreover, paladins are the only vocation that can use holy spells so they have an immense advantage when fighting undead creatures.
Paladins are the best all-rounders in Tibia. If you are looking for a good fighter who can also handle magic rather well, the paladin should be your choice.

d) Sorcerers
Like druids, sorcerers focus on magic use. Similar to their more peaceful brethren, sorcerers require skill and patience to rise in power because their weapon skills are very limited, and just like druids sorcerers are of weak constitution. However, sorcerers have great potential. In fact, due to the offensive nature of their spells sorcerers are perhaps the most deadly of all vocations. Unlike druids who focus on the creative and benevolent side of magic, sorcerers concentrate on its dark, destructive side, and their spells can become truly devastating in higher levels. They are especially skilled in mastering energy and fire spells. Additionally, only sorcerers can create the notorious "Sudden Death" runes, and only they can learn how to cast the apocalyptic "Hell's Core" spell. An experienced sorcerer can bring down the mightiest enemies with a wink of his eye, and because of this, sorcerers are a welcome addition to any hunting party.
If it is sheer magic fire and energy power you are looking for, you should go for a sorcerer.

Hit Point Gain / Level515105
Mana Gain / Level3051530
Capacity Gain / Level10252010
Favourite SkillMagic Levelall melee skillsDistance FightingMagic Level
Favourite SpellHeal FriendFierce BerserkDivine MissileSudden Death Rune
Hit Point Regenerationslowfastmediumslow
Mana Regenerationfastslowmediumfast
Promotion TitleElder DruidElite KnightRoyal PaladinMaster Sorcerer

Thanks for your reading,just enjoy playing Tibia game yourself!

Tibia Trading Guide

Trading would be one of the necessary thing in any game,you can buy or sell what items you want or don't want in the game,this tibia trading guide would help you to know much more tibia training clearly ,hope you can like it !

Trading Items with NPCs

If you would like to sell some items that you have achieved in your numerous fights, or if you want to buy some new equipment, ask an NPC for a trade. A new window will open up on the right side of the adventure screen. By pressing either Sell or Buy, you can quickly see which items you can sell to or buy from an NPC. To find a certain item more quickly, you can select "Sort by price" or "Sort by weight" by right-clicking on the trade window. If you select an item, also its graphic will be displayed. By clicking on the graphic, you will gain information on this item. The price is quoted behind an item. By using the slide bar, you can comfortably select how many of an item you would like to buy or sell. The selected amount, the price for the selected number of items, and the money you have in your inventory are shown below the slide bar. If you have forgotten to bring enough shopping bags to carry all your wares, right-click on the trade window and select "Buy with backpacks" to get your shopping practically packed into backpacks for a small fee of 20 gold pieces per backpack. Finally, press "Ok" to confirm the trade.
If you do not have enough money, space or capacity, a warning message will be displayed and the trade fails. Simply lower the amount of items on the slide bar until you meet all conditions to complete the trade. If you want to complete the trade, even though you do not have the needed capacity, simply right-click on the trade window and select "Ignore capacity". Note, however, that all items that exceed your capacity will end up laying on the floor below your character.

Trading Items with Other Players

Although you can buy a lot of good equipment in the various shops, you will soon realise that the best items are actually sold by other players. Watch out for interesting offers. If you do not find the item you are looking for, you may consider having a look at the trade channel or on your world's trade board.
Once you have found somebody who is offering the item you are looking for you should meet up with him to trade. There is a safe trade option in Tibia which will allow you to trade items with other characters without having to fear that you are cheated. To initiate a safe trade open up a context menu by right-clicking on the item you wish to trade, then select "Trade with ...". The mouse pointer will turn into crosshairs. Now move the pointer onto the character you want to trade with and confirm by clicking on the left mouse button. The player will receive a message written in green letters that you are offering to trade an item. If a player offers something in exchange, a trade dialog will open up in which you will see all items that are on offer. You can now inspect them by clicking on the items on offer with the right mouse button. If you are happy with the item your trading partner is offering, you should click on accept. If your partner does the same, the trade will be executed, provided that both trading partners have enough capacity left to carry the new items. Please note that it is not possible to modify an offer in the safe trade dialog. Trying to do so will result in a cancellation of the deal. If you are not satisfied with your partner's offer, simply click on "Reject" and start a new trade. If you want to trade several items at once, place them in a container such as a bag or backpack. Right-click on the container and select "Trade with ..." to trade it including the content. To avoid misunderstandings any containers that are on offer will be opened, and their contents will be shown. You should keep in mind that it is not possible to trade more than 100 items at a time.

Note: Even though there are other ways to trade items in Tibia, we strongly recommend you always use the safe trade mode to avoid unnecessary risks. Keep in mind that thieving is not a violation of the Tibia Rules, so the gamemasters will not be able to help you if somebody steals from you. One example for a risky trade are so-called world trades. Players that start on a new game world often try to sell their items from their old game world for items on the new one. Such world trades are in general not forbidden, but they are not supported by CipSoft. Therefore, if you get scammed in such a trade, a gamemaster cannot help you to get your items back.

Thanks for your reading,hope this guide can give you some help on tibia game and enjoying your tibia game very much!

Tibia PVP Guide

When in a Fight Each Vocation has a purpose, going into a fight overloaded with one
Voc will put you at a disadvantage, While fighting with a healthy mix, and knowing
the correct way will insure Victory.

1.Knowing your Purpose

One of the Main things is knowing your Vocations. Running into the middle of the
fight as a Sorcerer will only lead to disaster, while staying back with a knight
would be a huge waste. Knowing your Purpose on the Battle Field is the key.

Most of us have Seen the movies, With the Great Sorcerers like Tha Maverick Sorcerer
Running in and Making the other team look like fools but in open battle, When you
dont have a large lvl advantage this will only lead to disaster. Probably the only
thing that kept Sorcerers like them alive was the Speed.

2.PvP skills-Rune Aim

An important Part is being Able to hit with runes when you want to hit, Missing a Sd
that could of Dropped the enemies Main person is not an option.

A Good way to Practice this is to Take LMMS, to Cyclops or Even just using them on
yourself to get your Aim down. Being able to Predict where the enemy goes is more
about instincts. Again you can practice by using lmms but basically this is somthing
you gain over time and experience.

Aim and Being able to Predict where your enemy is going is the two main parts of
Rune aim, and i said them seperate because thats what they are. mainy ppl can shoot
well enough when a player is slow, but when the players start to get faster they
shoot runes that are 5 spaces off their targets because of a sudden turn. Its quite
funny with someone misses a GFB

3.Staying Calm

Many people get Over-excited when in a fight, the adrenaline starts running and they
make Stupid mistakes, like falling into a trap.

Stay calm, And always thing b4 you act. Now with 7.5 There are no more uh traps but
still you can make stupid Mistake that get you trapped. Or make you lose an
oppurtunity to get away.

Come prepared and know the Situation, and watch out for common moves like
Mass-Logins. or ambushes.


Always communicate with your guild mates, if you dont you die, easy as that. If You have someoen in a trap that you wont be able to hold for long, the
speed at which your Allies get to your spot could mean wether that man dies or not.
And much of the time it is One kill that causes the enemy to retreat.

Communication is the absolute key to victory. Thanks for your reading, hope you can following this guide and can do you a favor in PVP world !

Tibia Cheats Guides

Staying safe in tibia means allot more than avoiding evil player killers and creatures. The hacking of tibia accounts is becoming more frequent in today's modern tibia. Hacking is used as a very generic term but it basically means someone has gained access to a tibia account which isn't theirs.

There are several ways for a 'hacker' to gain access to your account. The most common ways are by sending you a key logger, a fake '' where you will log in or by you using cheats such as tibia bots, and tibia MC's (multi clients) which could contain a program which sends your password.
How could I get a key logger?

Key loggers can be sent to you in several ways and unless you use an anti virus you will never know you have one on your computer. If you use Instant Messaging software such as MSN Messenger or Aim a 'Hacker' (who you thought was your friend) could send you any sort of file such as a picture, video or game. All of these could have a secret key logger attached to them which would lead to you sending your password.

What are fake tibia web sites?

A fake tibia web site is a web site that looks identical to but is on a different domain/web site address. This tactic is cheap and used very often. It works by somebody sending you a link to a web site for example and telling you it is the real However it is far from the real tibia web site as once you log in to the web site your account number and password will be sent directly to a hacker.

Tibia MC, cheats and bots

Cheating is becoming a big problem in tibia lately. As a result players are leveling faster, generating more money and becoming too powerful too quickly. Although this may sound unfair justice more often than not comes to some of the cheaters.

Tibia MC is a multi client patch for tibia. This allows players to open more than one tibia client at once enabling them to log on to more than one character at once using the same computer. By using the MC players can create several UH druids and make large amounts of money thus having a huge unfair advantage over fair tibia players. Most multi clients have key loggers and password stealers attached to them so justice does prevail and most of these characters end up getting hacked. We defiantly DO NOT support or recommend the use of tibia MC as it is highly illegal and a huge cheating tool. Please play fair.

Tibia bots

The latest cheat to hit the tibia world is bots. Bots read scripts written by players, these scripts have a list of commands of which the bot must control your tibia character with. The most common use of this is a tibia cavebot. A player writes a list of monsters it wants to kill, the location the character must walk and the loot it should loot from the monsters body. The player can then turn the cave bot on and let it read the list of commands and control your character for you. Thanks for your reading and hope these cheats can help you to get much more about the Tibia game and lean how to protect yout tibia account well!

Tibia Daraman Guide


Throughout the history of Tibia numerous charismatic individuals have passed by, some serving good, others serving evil. But each and everyone of them had a specific task or goal in mind, doing their utter best to fulfill their destiny. However, these great men and women of Tibia are not that well known. We all know Zathroth, we all know Banor, and we definitely all know Ferumbras. But do you know Puldrak, the authority on creatures and my personal idol? Have you ever heard about Borsoz, the mage that discovered a cure for "jungle fever"? How about Daraman? How much do you know about this famous prophet of the gods?

Each of these individuals were of importance in their days, shaping the world as we know it. They all deserve their moment of glory, and the attention that comes with it. This work will be dedicated to these Legendary Figures of Tibia.


1. The Age of Daraman

From the Genesis, we learn that at the end of the Corpse War, the gods created the humans as their champion race, led by Banor. However, it is only recently discovered that the first humans lived in Darama, and only later on spread to the rest of the world. In the first age of mankind, Daraman played a vital role.

Everything originally started in Kha'labal, which is now the lifeless desert that surrounds the cities of Darashia and Ankrahmun. In the first age of men, it was a paradise created by the gods as a present for the human race. In this paradise, Banor and the other Founders built Ankrahmun and Darashia, where the humans thrived and lived in prosperity. However, the bliss didn't last long. Orcs and the undead started to invade the beautiful region of Kha'labal, bringing the people to despair, many of which eventually started to believe the gods had left them. Some humans' hatred was so strong that they turned sides and started dedicating their lives to necromancy. These outcasts founded the underground city of Drefia, a place of the foulest corruption.

The first chapter of the Kha'labal Chronicles

Yet, all of this was part of the gods' plan. After all, the human race wasn't created to live in happiness and prosperity. They were designed to be tough and fight back Zathroth's evil. Human kind had to learn to fend for themselves and to survive. But to help them, the gods sendtin help, in the form of Daraman, their chosen prophet.

2. Who was Daraman?

Sent in by the gods as their prophet, Daraman was meant to lead the humans into a new age of religion. He prepared them for the spiritual and ethnic challenge that awaited them in a world of evil and treachery. Daraman believed in a life of non-materialism and meditation. He was able to spread this philosophy to most of the people, but more importantly, he managed to convert many of the djinns who were until then a deadly threat to the human kind. By convincing King Gabel of the djinns to follow his ways, he tore apart the djinns' unity and sparked the terrible civil war between the Marids and the Efreet. In his own way, Daraman saved human kind from near annihilation; however, the djinn wars had a terrible side as well. A terrible raging fire, which was cast by the Efreet magicians, burned down the once fertile Kha'labal and transformed it into the dry desert we know it as today.

Later on, Asmunrah was crowned as the first pharaoh, ruling over an immense empire that included the continent of Darama and Tiquanda, and which adopted Daraman's name

A view of Ashmunrah's impressive empire.

3. Daraman's philosophy

Daraman believed in ascension as a promise to the human kind and as a reward for the hardship thrust upon them by the gods. Through self-control and meditation, one was able to enhance his soul and ascend to heaven, becoming a celestial being. In order to reach this point of perfection, it was necessary to cast away all the pleasures of a materialistic existence and dedicate your life to meditation, to enrich the soul. Simplicity was his philosophy, through which ascension and a more meaningful life was reachable. At the end, Daraman reached the point of perfection he believed so strongly in, and ascended to heaven.

In the ages after Daraman, the pharaohs of Ankrahmun adopted the prophet's idea of ascension, and changed it to their own liking. The pharaoh now claims to be a god, and everybody that follows him will eventually receive ascension. A life of meditation and simplicity is in their eyes unnecessary. Their raped version of Daraman's teachings is a thorn in the eye of many honest priests, who are enraged by the corrupt lifestyle of Ankrahmun's rulers.

In the end, the prophet Daraman truly shaped the world we know today. He was loved by many and hated by few. He truly was was a holy man with a divine soul.

Tibia Goshnar Guide

What do you know about Goshnar?


1. The man Falnus

Many centuries ago in the dark and gloomy place that is known as the Plains of Havoc, a young man joined the mystic order of the Nightmare Knights. This young man, named Falnus, would prove to be a promising novice. He had a strong will, was able to handle the sword quite well, but most impressive was his natural talent for magic. Falnus eventually grew up as one of order's most powerful knights, both with magic and the sword.

After years of slaying demonic creatures and protecting the secrets of Dreamwalking, Falnus retired and began a study about the concept of evil. He believed that by understanding the enemy, one would be able to defeat them more efficiently. He wrote many papers and books about the Ruthless Seven, and eventually turned to the necromancy field. More importantly, Falnus was fascinated about a certain essence known as the Necromancers' Nectar. The substance was known to give access to the Pits of Inferno, but Falnus suspected it to contain some hidden power, maybe even hold the secret behind necromancy. He began to concentrate his studies on necromancy, in the meanwhile locking himself away from the rest of the world and his friends. Somewhere in the course of his studies, something broke inside him and changed him forever.

A book about the Necromancer's Nectar

One day, he appeared in front of the Dream Master and announced his name change. From that day on, he was to be named Goshnar. Not very long after, he left the order and joined the vile Brotherhood of the Bones. Thanks to his powerful magic and unsurpassed knowledge of both good and evil, he quickly ascended in the ranks of the brotherhood. Soon, he became their leader and declared himself as the Necromant King. He took residence in the Necromant House, where he continued his studies, often locking himself away in the void room for silence.

The kitchen and library of the Necromant House

Goshnar often retreated here on his own to study.

2. Goshnar the Necromant King

When Goshnar, formerly known as the Nightmare Knight Falnus, took the robe of Necromant King, his transformation was complete. The ever so spiritual knight had become the face of evil. In secret, he began to device plans that would bring down the Order of the Nightmare Knights. For his plans to work, he allied with the Ruthless Seven, who desperately wanted to conquer the Pits of Inferno, the headquarters of the Order.

Goshnar knew the key of victory lied in the access to the Dreampath. While the army of the Brotherhood, allied with demonic creatures, launched a full-scale attack on strategic points of the Order, the demons took control of vital keypoints in the Dream Realm. The demons were successful because the Order was occupied with fending off the Brotherhood. The strategy allowed them to be able to cut off the Knights from each other and they were able to take them out one by one. Slowly but steadily, the demons were taking control of the entire realm. Once they had full control, they were able to fully break through the Order's defenses. Then, by using the Necromancer's Nectar Goshnar had stolen, they gained access to the Pits of Inferno, completely wiping out the Nightmare Knights.

The Plains of Havoc still bear the scars of the terrible battles.

However in the end, The Necromant King was betrayed by the Ruthless Seven. Since the demons got what they wanted, they deserted Goshnar and withdrew their demonic army from the battlefield. After a terrible and bloody battle, almost the whole army of the Brotherhood was killed, including Goshnar. He was buried under his old base, the Necromant House, and his coffin sealed, so that he could never come back. His daughter Fermuba fled to Carlin, where she's still being hunted by agents of the Order. The remaining Nightmare knights eventually succeeded in sealing the Pits of Inferno to contain the evil within.

Goshnar's grave

Both sides suffered terrible losses, and stood on the brink of extermination. Luckily, the Dream Master managed to flee to a secret place in the Dream Realm, while one of Goshnar's best apprentices rebuild the Brotherhood. He now calls himself the Bone Master and is looking for new members. There are some persistant rumours that speak of plans to revive Goshnar, but the Bonemaster himself doesn't seem to be that interested in bringing him back to the world of the living. This is good news for Tibia and hope it can give you some help to make much more tibia money or tibia gold for your character!

Tibia knight guide

Tibia Strategy Guide

If you have ever played a game such as Tibia online, you are probably aware of the fact that most of these types of games have some type of strategy guide that is offered for players to gain an upper hand in leveling their character in their favorite game, such as Tibia. By using a Tibia strategy guide, players can cut down on the amount of time it takes to become a powerful and useful player, as tibia strategy can cut right through a lot of the extraneous information and get right to the heart of the game. Put simply, most games such as Tibia are based on gaining XP from either killing monsters or completing quests. Unfortunately, many quests can be somewhat derivative and unnecessary, or provide very minimal rewards and XP. Knowing ahead of time which quests and monsters are actually worth dealing with and which ones should be avoided is a great help to the player and a strategy guide can provide you this exact information.

The big difficulty with Tibia strategy guides is finding one that is actually suitable for the strategy guide needs of the Tibia user. It is a simple matter to put a bunch of information between two covers and release it as a book referred to as a Tibia strategy guide. This does not mean that the strategy guide has anything in it that can help you or is even remotely useful to the serious Tibia player.

Fortunately, at MmorpGuides, there is no end to the available material and Tibia strategy guides that can help the player succeed and move beyond what is expected of new players in their favorite MMORPG. Utilizing a strategy guide from MmorpGuides can help the player in not only choosing a strategy guide but allowing the player to choose from the best strategy guides available without having to choose one of the less effective offerings

Tibia cavebot guide

If you are looking to get high level fast in tibia without much done by you that cavebot is the vocation for you!And for the knights are the best vocation for cavebotting, they do not require a lot of attention. this
There are many different ways you can cavebot a knight, such as training to decent skills before you start botting or just fresh off rook botting.


8-15~ (4-7k exp/h)

From right off rook to about level 15 Trolls and Goblins in Edron are the best choice since they dont do much damage when your skills arent very high.

15-25~ (5-11k exp/h)

Now after level 15 your skills should be good enough to kill Rotworms sufficiently. The rotworm caves in Darashia are the best for these levels. Some people prefer hunting Larvas but it is all up to you and which you prefer.

25-50~ (13-17k exp/h)

After botting Rotworms to level 25, you now can bot GS Tomb in the Ankrahmun Desert. At level 25 your HP is enough to heal with Exura and no UHs needed. You can hunt here until level 50+ although the exp will start feeling slow.

50-80~ (22-30k exp/h)

Now that you are level 50+ you can handle cycs quite easily. Cycloplis is a good place for EXP straight to level 80. You may need to use some UHs while hunting here but the EXP and loot should pay off.

80-100+~ (35-43k exp/h)

Now at level 80 Dwarf Guards should be relatively easy for you. You can get around 40k exp/h hunting dwarf guards. Your skills should be atleast 80+/80+ to hunt them easily.



Edron Goblins and Trolls:


Darashia Rotworms:

Ankrahmun Larvas:


Ankrahmun GS Tomb:

There is a dead bush against the mountain, shovel 3sqm to the right of that!


Edron Cycloplis:

Tibia Skill Training Guides

Tibia Skill training is the only way which Knights and Paladins, two of the vocations which need skills to become stronger and better. The only way for them to become stronger with skills is to skill train. Although skill training is tough, distance is easier to train than melee skills (swording, axeing, clubbing, fisting). Skill training allows the above mentioned vocations kill and block stronger monsters. However, be warned, levels are just as important ,if no more!
How to skill train?
One of the most famous ways to understand skill training is the Basket, Pool and Ball. For example, you take a basket and put in one ball for every hit u made with ur fist/axe/club/sword and put in a ball. The basket can only hold 30 balls, so when you make the monster you are skill training with bleed, u empty the balls into the pool. When the pool is full, you gain a level up in the skill. However, shielding is a bit different. For every hit your skill training monsters hit, including POOFS (Shield blocked), YELLOW EXPLOSION (Armor blocked) and BLOOD HIT (you got hit with damage), you put a ball into the basket. In order to empty it, you must make a BLOODHIT on the monsters u are training with.
1) You must make a bloodhit every 30 hits or else the hits after the 30 is not counted
2) When shield training, you must make a blood hit every 30 hits on you from the monsters
3) You gain the skills gradually while hunting but it is very slow

Paladins, however, is the same concept with different uses of the balls. Every bloodhit u make would put 2 balls into the basket, not one. Shielld training is the same, but I have not comfirmed the amount of balls the "basket" can hold. The above finding was with arrows, so I am not sure about any other skill training items (spears, throwing stars, small stones, snowballs).

There are many different places where u can skill train. All monsters can be used, but some are more effective than others. Here is a list which I reccommend.

1) Swamp Trolls. U can find a place, use parcels to get 2 swamp trolls attacking you and skill train there. Be warned that they can poison you, but they often drop fish so not much of a problem. They poison you with a Armor hit though (99% comfirmed).

2)Minotaurs, Dwarves, Rotworms. You can find minotaurs to train. I have so far only found one place with them, Folda. Dwarves can be found in the dwarf mines near Kaz, with rotworms. It is reccommended to go to places where people hardly go to for skill training here. For rots you could probable try the sewers in Carlin, but you must be lucky there r hardly people around.

3)Slimes. Slimes are one of the best and yet dangerous skill training monsters. For the fact that they multiple, u can skill train with tem for hours on end, but if three is on you, you'll get hit hard. The carlin sewers is the best place to do this, do to the exploitation of the terrain. Get a friend to help u with the exploitation.

4)Ghouls. Ghouls are able to heal themselves, making them extremely useful for skill training. But they are dangerous themselves and are hard to find with 2 or more ghouls and their life draining abilities is not too welcomed. You can try, but beware.

5)Polar bears or bears. These are good for early skill training as they have high defense and hitpoints. I used to train on these, but i found another place better after some exploration.

6)Femor Hills, the power ring quest room and the one before. There are a lot of goblins but they throw stones. Hardly people come here.

7)Cyclops. Yes, cyclops. They are deadly, but with a good shielding skill (55 i think), you can use them for skill training. So far i think the Thais Lighthouse is most useful for this. Get two friends to lock you in. But hope they are trustworthy.

Tibia Helpful funtions

Experience-check with automatic monster detection
check the experience left to level by pressign the End key.

- adjustable amount of light
To de/activate the Light press the Page Down key on your keyboard. To vary the amount of light simply drag the bar to the desired percentage.

Speedfishing can be de/activated by pressing the Page Up key, and will reactivate your fishing-rod whenever you click to fish.
By pressing the Home key you de/activate the fastfishing which will both reactivate and click your mouse to fish.

-Hotkey de/activation
Press Ctrl+Del to (de)activate the hotkeys,
example: if want to crosswalk with your numpad.

Tibia Druid Guide

Tibia Druid is one of the professional skill in tibia game ,this guide would give you some help to know much about the tibia druid ,hope you can like it !

Level 8 Magic Level 0
First thing you want to do is get a spell I would suggest Create Food (150gp) or Light (100gp). After you bought your spell goto the boat and head to Edron (40gp). Do the Brass Legs Quest and Steel Shield Quest. After doing those kill trolls and use your spell till you get Level 10 and Magic Level 3+. Then head to Venore again

Spells: Level 10 Magic Level 3+
In Venore goto the Druid Shop and get these spells.
Heavy Magic Missile- 600gp ****
Antidote- 150gp ***
Intense Heal- 350gp **
Lite Heal- 170gp **

The stars show how important the spell is. After getting the spells go back to Edron.

Level 10 Magic Level 3+
Now back in Edron goto the Rot caves and see if you can kill Rot if you can stay there and kill them untill you get 220gp, if you can't goto Trolls or Goblins. Then go and buy a backpack and fill it up with blank runes and start makin HMMs (70 mana), when you have finished the HMMs try to sell them on new and middle age worlds they sell for 700gp-1k on olde world sthey sell for 1.2k+. After selling your hmms start on another backpack while killing Rots. Do this until you get to Level 12 Magic Level 10+.

Spells: Level 12 Magic Level 11+
Goto Venore and get the spells you didn't get last time and these spells.
Ultimate Healing Rune- 1500gp *****
Ultimate Healing- 1000gp *****
Great Fireball- 1200gp ****
Mana Shield- 450gp ***

If you couldn't get all the spells with listed once you get the money go back and buy them.

Level 12 Magic Level 11+
Now while killing Rots make backpacks of UH and sell for 2k on new worlds and 2.5k on old worlds. Do this till lvl 15 mlvl 16+. Then head to Venore again to buy your last most important spells.

Spells: Level 15 Magic Level 16+
These will be the last spells you NEED to buy.
Invisible- 1000gp *****
Summon Creature- 2000gp *****
Explosion- 1800gp ****

Also get any of the spells that you didn't buy before.

Level 15 Magic Level 16+
Unfortunly you going to have to go to Rots again and lvl while makin bps of uh. Sell the uhs and buy bps of hmm or trade a bp of uhs for 2 bps of hmm. Do this until lvl 20 and mlvl 25+.

Level 20 Magic Level 25+
Make one more backpack of uh and mail all your hmms and uhs to yourself but in Thais. Then goto Thais and grab your uhs and as many hmms as possible, then goto Cyclopes either teh Cyclopes Camp south of Thais or Mt. Sternom north-east of Thais and kill them and when ever you run out of HMMs goto your depot and grab your others. When you start to run low on HMMs goto the south camp and summon a Mino Archer. Once you run out of HMMs go back to Edron and mail all your stuff to Ankrahmun this will be your new home. After all those Cycs you should be Level 25 Magic Level 25+. Now look for people to do the 10k quest with, once you do it use the 10k to buy mana fluids and make backpacks of UH and then sell the UHs and buy some better eq. Now you should be lvl 25 mlvl 30.

Level 25 Magic Level 30+
Now goto Laravs stay there until you get a lvl then go and mana sit and make a 2 bps of uh sell 1 and buy hmms. Then go back to Laravs get a lvl then mana sit make 2 bps of uh sell 1 and buy hmms. Keep doing this till lvl 30 Mlvl 35+. Once at this lvl sell all your bps of uh except 1 and put money in depot.

Level 30 Magic Level 35+
There are many places you can level now and Ank has the most for your lvl.

Dragons: Take all your hmms and your uhs and goto to the Middle Dragon spawn in Ankrahmun Moutains and summon a DS. Kill Dragons by pushing your DS to entrance and let it lure 1 out then run down towards the ramp and then start to atk the Dragon and shot hmms at it, you will get around 500+ exp for a Dragon. Heal the DS everytime it gets on red. If you get full mana again summon another DS. Kill dragons till you run out of uhs. You will probley run out of hmms before you run out of uhs so just let the DSs atk the Dragon you will get half the mana now but still is worth it and maybe you will get loot luck. Dragons are for peopl that want good exp and possible good loot.

Tombs: You can goto the tombs with a lots of summons or by yourself if you would like. Here is a list of summons that are good to take.
Demon Skeletons: Pluses- Dont get poisoned and have strong atk and def. Minuses- Have to heal somtimes and lots of mana.
Monks: Pluses- Heal there selfs and alright atk and def. Minuses- Less atk and def then a DS also somtimes you might have to heal incase it doesnt.
Fire Devils: Pluses- Has strong atk and can kill many monsters at once small amount of mana. Minuses- Weak Def you will have to go into a room and run the monsters while the FD kills them.

I would suggest going to frist floor of the tomb west of Ank with any of the summons or second floor tarpit with DS or Monk.

Scarabs: You can either goto a Scarab cave or dig them up. If you goto a cave summon either a Zerk or DS. If you summon a Zerk whenever you see a Scarab atk it and run while the Zerks kills it. If you summon a DS you can run out of the screen when ever you see a Scarab or push the DS around. If you decide to dig for Scrarabs summon a FD or Mino Archer and when you dig up a Scarab either block it or run will the summon kills it.

Thank you for your reading ,hope this guide can give you some help in Tibia and enjoy playing Tibia game very much!

Tibia Summoning Guide

Tibia summoning guide will teach you how to hunt efficiently with summons, I will cover the basics and a few advanced tricks for you and your summoned friends to try out. Of course you'll have to experience a little yourself to see what you prefer to use to hunt optimal. Summons get experience points too, although you will kill things faster, you will have to kill twice as many things to get the same amount of experience points. Most people in PvP worlds use summoned monks/ghouls to train on. Monks are used a lot for combat on PvP and non-PvP worlds.

As soon as you can you should summon a distance fighting monster (e.g. an elf scout). A distance fighting summon can be the difference between victory and defeated. For example when hunting minotaur guards, summon a minotaur archer to help you defeat him since a mage (druid or sorcerer) has poor combat skills. Minotaur guards are vulnerable against distance so the archer kills him.

For non-PvP worlds, summon a monster that can use large area attacks like GFB (Fire devil is the first) because these can hit large groups of enemies hard, you can do this on PvP but you may get hurt or kill yourself or others accidentally. A Strong melee summon is useful (lets take Orc berserker for example) because they give the mage a much needed close quarters damage. The ability to use different summons in Harmonia is a valuable skill. A mage has low attack, defence and even distance skills.


Depending on where you are hunting, the type of summon is important, for example, if you play on a non-PvP server and if you're hunting in a tomb, a Fire devil or Fire elemental will be good because you'll probably encounter enemies in groups. A monk and Orc Berserker is a nice, low level combo because the monk can heal and has a high defence for blocking, and an Orc Berserker has a high attack and is immune to the poison attacks of most of the tomb dwellers.

If you are outside in a large area you need a fast summon for close attacks, an Orc Berserker and a Monk once again is a good team to help you. But distance attacks, such as minotaur archers and maybe even a Fire Devil is also very useful. For areas where it's hard to move around, like port hope, Distance is vital because the summon may not get to the enemy, so once again, minotaur archers or fire devils are the monsters that suit you. If you are inside a cave then high attack is everything as you want to clear them all out as soon as possible; an Orc Berserker, Orc Leader or eventually a Demon Skeleton is suiting.


Using a summon to block is a good idea if you're hunting something more challenging then Rotworms. It can save you both time and money. All you need is some Intense Healing runes to heal your summon(s). You can also use ultimate healing runes, but for the most mages intense healing runes will be enough to get your summon back to his maximum health. If the monster you wish to block is melee reliant, then a monk is good because they heal. But then again if you want something with a lot of hitpoints, or at least a high defence take a demon skeleton instead. An Orc Leader has a decent amount of hitpoints and defence so they are a good average, if you don't know what to choose between a Monk and a Demon Skeleton.

If the monster uses breath or magic attacks, then you need something immune to that element, for example when you're dragons you can preferably summon a Demon Skeleton, they have a high defence and are immune to fire, so the dragon will have a hard time hitting it because its strongest attacks are worthless against the Demon Skeletons defence. This may also work for Hydras because they are also immune to poison but hydras hit harder so you will sue more IH's.

Test it yourself

There is only so much you can't find out from a guide. To find out what summons you need to feel comfortable, go test it out yourself. Happy hunting and good luck.

Tibia Mage Guide

Level 1-8

Recommended magic level: 0
You're starting at Rookgaard's temple. Get to the stables (north from Tom the Tanner's shop) and do the Doublet Quest. After that, do the Rapier Quest in the sewers.

If you want some better stuff than this I'd suggest you to collect dead rats which you can sell to Tom the Tanner for 2 gp each. When you have collected some cash you can buy a Wooden Shield from Lee'Delle for 13 gp. Other cheap items which can be useful are Backpack (9 gp), Leather Armor (22 gp), Leather Helmet (11 gp) and Leather Legs (9 gp).

When you are happy with your equipment, head off to the Premium island and start killing some spiders. When you are level 4 (should take about 10 minutes) you can start hunting at Premium bugs or hunt wolves, snakes and the mountain troll at the Premium island if you want to get level 8 fast. This would require that you get some better equipment (atleast a shield), and is a quick but unprofitable way.

FOR BOTTERS: When you have decent equipment, go bot at Premium island's rats. This will give you good money and about 2k/h exp.

TIPS: Making money at Rookgaard
If you want to leave Rook with some starting cash for main you can start hunting skeletons at level 6+. Go for the Premium islands skeletons and make lootbags with maces, hatchets and brass shields and sell them to NPCs or other players. Deposit the money in the bank just to be safe.

Level 8-15
(Equipment: Newbie set, Wand, 25+ Def shield)
Recommended magic level: 0-18

In these levels there are a lot of hunting places that might be good for you. But this is what I recommend you to do; choose Darashia as your city when you get to main. Once you've arrived at main, start posting offers in the Trade chat for a newbie set (Scale Armor, Dwarven Shield, Dark/Steel Helmet, Brass Legs). If you're not sure about the prices, ask at Game chat. Get the free Wand of Vortex at the Mage's guild, then head north to the Minotaur Tower. Hunt at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor (only regular minotaurs) and create lootbags for money. Do NOT go down the stairs because you can get killed by the Minotaur Guards. Buy the "Light healing spell" (exura) once you get level 9, then continue hunting at the Minotaur Tower or go to one of the Rotworm caves.

FOR BOTTERS: If you wanna bot here, you could eighter bot at Darashia rotworms (about 10k/h and good money) or Edron trolls/goblins (not as good exp/money, but safer). You could also try Edron rotworms or Port Hope swamp trolls.

Level 15-25
(Equipment: Plate set, Wand / 2-handed weapon, 26+ Def shield)
Recommended magic level: 18-25

Easy levels. When you're level 15 you should have enough cash to buy Plate set, Crown Helmet and a decent shield. Ankrahmun's larva caves are great for these levels. Use full defense if you're using a wand. Pick up the money and eat the meat. Avoid getting swarmed by the larvas and you will do fine. If you're botting you could buy a one handed weapon like serpent/spike sword. Botters may want to buy some manas just to be safe here, especially if using wand. If you don't like larvas you can continue botting at the previous spots for a while.

Level 25-28
(Equipment: Plate set, Wand / 2-handed weapon, 27+ Def shield)
Recommended magic level: 25-30

Also easy levels. Eighter you can continue hunting at larvas while maybe making some HMMs or you can go hunt at the GS tomb using a two-handed weapon if you wanna gain some faster exp.

Level 28-40
(Equipment: Plate set, Wand / 2-handed weapon, 27+ Def shield)
Recommended magic level: 30-40

These levels might be quite boring, but it's a part of the game. A good place to hunt is at the Edron Dragon lair with 2 demon skeletons as summons. This would probably need you to get some BPs with IHs to heal your summons.
Experience is "fair" and loot is "average-low".

Another way is to stay at GS tomb or larvas. Takes more time but here you will waste less money. Good for botters. You could also try scarabs.
Experience is "fair" and money is "average-good"

The third way are more dangerous and are only recommended to more experienced players if they can afford it. Exori Vis + Wand at cyclopolis will get you "good" experience and "nice" money. Might be dangerous because of lured monsters. If you wanna be on the safe side you can summon 2 monks. This will only get you half of the experience gained though and you will have to push your monks from time to time. Make lootbags for some nice cash.

FOR BOTTERS: Port Hope dworcs is great here. Get a good waypoint for them and just BOT! You could also stay at larvas/GS-tomb/scarabs.

Level 40-65
(Equipment: Blue Robe, Plate Legs, Crown Helmet, BoH, Wand / 2-handed weapon, 31+ Def shield)
Recommended magic level: 40-52

Hunting Ancient Scarabs manually with Stairjump script should do well to level 65.

If you have a blocker with you, you could hunt hydras. Bring your favourite wand and manafluids, a lot of them. Let your blocker block the middle single-spawn while you are attacking the hydra with exori vis, wand and 2 demon skeletons as summons.
Experience is "high" and loot is "very nice" (for your blocker if he doesn't share the loot).

If you're not going to use a blocker you will get slower experience but loot can still be very good. Get yourself a lot of manafluids and go hunt Dwarf Guards at the Kazordoon mines with exori vis and wand. Have some UHs with you. Some GFBs can also be good to have if you get trapped. Make lootbags for good money.

Another good but dangerous way (recommended level 50+) is to hunt at Tar pit and use the same strategy as you would with the Dwarf Guards. Use your best wand and drink manafluids to exori vis Vampires, Bonebeasts, Demon Skeletons, Crypt Shamblers and Mummies. I recommend you to get around mlvl 50 before hunting here for good hits with the Exori Vis. Have some UHs and GFBs with you to be on the safe side. Bring about 13 BPs of manafluids per level. Note: This is an estimate, and it mostly depends on your skills as a player when hunting here. Also bring a lot of food because you won't get any food of the monsters.
Experience is "excellent" and loot is "fair".

Level 65-100
(Equipment: Blue Robe, Crown/Blue Legs, Royal Helmet, BoH, Wand of Cosmic Energy, Demon Shield)
Recommended magic level: 52-62

By now you should have about 20k in the bank. Now you will hunt the most profitable and experience giving monsters to mid-high level sorcerers. Dragon Lords. Hunt them at the Venore dragon's underground spawn. Frost Dragons is also great here.
Experience is "excellent" and loot is "excellent".

Another great way to exp now is to stairjump Behemoths, really nice exp/cash. It's recommended that you use Soft Boots when doing this though.

Without Soft Boots you can also try Formorgar Mines, at cults. Nice exp/loot if you are lucky.

Note: Dwarf Guards and the Tar pit are still useful until about level 85. Hunting hydras in party are also good at these levels.

FOR BOTTERS: Hellheim or Tombs.

Level 85-100
(Equipment: Blue Robe, Crown/Blue/Golden Legs, Royal Helmet, BoH, Wand, Demon Shield)
Recommended magic level: 62-66/67

Now it's time to begin the power gaming. Continue to hunt Dragon Lords/Frost Dragons. You may hunt Dwarf Guards for some cash, Tar pit will be medium difficult but the exp given won't be as good as it was earlier. Try to stick with the Dragon Lords/Frost Dragons and party hunts.

You can also continue stairjump Behemoths.

Demons are good, use Icicles and Self Healing activated. Stairjumping them would be good.

Hope this guide can help you get high level quickly !